Loveless volume 5

Sacrifice Book

Chapter 02


Translated by Kudou Omi, July the 21th 2005

Note: There are a few sentences I didn’t get right, so the text is quite awkward (once again lol). But I’ve found a book on Japanese grammar that should help. Gotta read it soon though…


Youji: "Use your knife!"

Natsuo: "Hey! Show your equipment!"

Ritsuka: "Stop it."

Natsuo: "Lend it to me~"

Ritsuka: "Shut up! I’m being serious here!!"

Youji: "Only a little! Show your status!"

Soubi: "If you disturb Ritsuka, you’ll get him angry."

Ritsuka: "Exactly!"


Ritsuka: "Don’t disturb me!"

Youji: "Scary!"

Voice: "Welcome, Loveless."


Ritsuka: "My name is Ritsuka! Aoyagi Ritsuka!"

Youji: "It’s Nagisa-sensei!"


Ritsuka: "What do you have?"

Youji: "Let me see! No doubt possible! It’s her name too!"

Ritsuka: "Soubi, take the keyboard."

Youji: "… To talk to…. Nagisa-sensei…"

Soubi: "You two can’t think anything to say."

Youji: "…!! Wha… what’s that!? It has nothing to do with you!!"


Soubi: "You don’t have her phone, right?"

Natsuo: "…No. Got it."

Youji: "I don’t get it!!"

Ritsuka: /Nagisa…sensei?/ "Today, you have to tell me everything about Seimei’s murderer. And why are you three this time?"

Ritsu: "Please don’t mind me, I’m here to observe."

Nagisa: "Me too~!"

7: "Well, think of them as statues!"


Ritsuka: "I realized Seimei was part of ‘Nanatsu no Tsuki’, wasn’t he? You… if you kill your associates… I won’t forgive you!!"

Ritsu: "Even if you get angry, it’s not me. I’m not even a member."

Nagisa: "Me too~"

7: "It is correct to say that Seimei was a member."

Ritsuka: "Soubi?"

Natsuo: "I’ll take the keyboard."

Soubi: "Natsuo!"

Natsuo: "Your arm still hurts, while I’m fine."


Ritsuka: "It’s true… Seimei was one of their partners. Ask them: ‘do you know the criminal?’"

Youji: "I don’t think they’ll help you…"

Ritsuka: "Do you know the criminal?"

7: "I don’t know, but maybe those people do… The person closest to Seimei. According to conditions, we can have you meet him."

Ritsuka: "What conditions."

7: "Tell us everything about the Seimei you know."

Ritsuka: "What’s with that condition!? You know about Seimei already!"


7: "Really? I wonder… my task is to gather information. I want to know everything you did with him."

Ritsuka: "Everything I did with Seimei?"

Ritsu: "We’re interested in you. Seimei is dead. You lost him forever. We can’t get him back. I wonder if you’ll have the courage to talk about your memories of him."

Youji: "woa… Ritsu-sensei…"


Soubi: "He’s in good health for sure. To say awful stuff… Don’t care about it, Ritsuka. This guy always enjoys to hurt people."

Ritsuka: "I’m not hurt. I’m not hurt at all. My goal is to find the murderer."


Ritsuka: "I will find the one who killed Seimei, and take my revenge! It’s not vengeance or justice, it’s resentment! It’s my rage against the one who caused me to be alone. I don’t even have memories. I think about it everyday. I didn’t forget about him."

Ritsu: "You mean you resigned? Well, go on."


7: /The videotape… it worked.. yeah./ Good. Now, tell us everything about Seimei."

/How much do we know about Seimei? There are probably many things we don’t know. Like the Seimei only Ritsuka knows./ "Ritsuka’s Seimei… and more than everything, the reason why Seimei was killed."


Natsuo: "…Seimei…what kind of man was he?"

Soubi: "Seimei is my god."

Ritsuka: "Seimei was…"


Ritsuka: /I’ve never seen him sleep. He always woke up before me, and went to bed after./

Seimei: "Hello, Ritsuka. You’ll be late if you don’t wake up!"

Ritsuka: /Seimei always did what mother didn’t. He told me about the things I didn’t know./

Seimei: "Ritsuka, do you know what’s this noise?"

Ritsuka: "…… what is it?"

Ristuka: /Seimei’s hand was always higher than mine, and I felt ashamed of it, but I liked to walk hand in hand with him./

Seimei: "It’s the of cry the mole cricket!"

Ritsuka: "Mole cricket?" "Don’t you come in?"

Seimei: "It would be a little unreasonable…"

Ritsuka: /We always had fun./

Seimei: "This site is really great!"

Ritsuka: "What’s that! It’s strange!"

Ritsuka: /Even though we had separated rooms, we were always together./


Ritsuka: "Seimei, you’re not sleeping yet?"

Seimei: "I have a few more things left to do."

Ritsuka: /I always slept in his bed./

Ritsuka: "I feel sleepy already. Good night…"

Seimei: "Yeah, good night…"

Ritsuka: /When Seimei was here, mother couldn’t beat me. Seimei protected me. We went to the hospital together. When he was here, there was almost nothing painful happening./


Seimei: "Achieved! Does it hurt?"

Ritsuka: "I’m fine."

Semei: "Ritsuka."

Ritsuka: "Yes?"

Seimei: "Sorry for coming back late today."

Ritsuka: "It’s nothing."

Seimei: "If mum becomes weird when I’m not here, please go out of the house."

Ritsuka: "Okay… I’ll do that from now on…"


Seimei: "How will you do with this wound in the bath?

Ritsuka: "I’ll get in. It should be okay."

Seimei: "And lunch?"

Ritsuka: "I’ll eat hamburgers."

Seimei: "Do you want me to cook something?"

Ritsuka: "Thanks, but I’m full already."

Seimei: "Then… what do I do? Maybe do some service…"

Ritsuka: "What are you doing, Seimei!? You’re tickling me! I’m already sleepy! Wait! I have to go bathe!"

Seimei: "Then here’s shoulder service!"

Ritsuka: "Stop it, Seimei! It tickles!!"


Semei: "Ritsuka, you did nothing wrong. It’s a shame…"

Ritsuka: "When Seimei was there, we had fun, everything wad right, I wasn’t lonely. I didn’t hate anyone too."


Youji: "Kh… he was weird, his bro…"

7: "Just as I expected… that’s not Seimei……he surpassed degrees fastidiously. I didn’t think it possible he would stand another people’s contact sharing his bed."


7: "He couldn’t eat with someone watching him. He was certainly quiet and nice, but it wasn’t the usual Seimei. Which one? Which one is the real Seimei?"

Sacrifice Book Chapter 2 - owari